During this course, we will learn about all of the materials and surfaces for painting with pastels. We will cover many of the techniques for various strokes and mark-making to apply pastels including hard pastels, soft pastels, pan pastels, and pastel pencils. You will learn the methods of underpainting using watercolor, gouache, alcohol, pan pastels, and pipe insulation. I will demonstrate my methods for mounting, fixative, and framing pastels. Throughout this course, we will be learning about the five steps to making a great painting - composition, values, color, atmosphere, and edges. Also, we will cover techniques and methods for plein air painting.
Materials List (These items can be purchased at Jerry’s Arterama,Newark.)
- Value Scale
- Color Wheel
- Paper Towels
- Baby Wipes
- Q-Tips
- Blending Stumps
- Small Exacto Knife
- Small Set Pastel Pencils (12-24)
- Small Set Watercolor Brushes
- Small Set Soft Pastels (36-64)
- Small Set Hard Pastels (12-36)
- Small Bottle Rubbing Alcohol
- Small Set Watercolors (instructor will provide)
- Pastel Paper (instructor will provide)
- Pieces of Pipe Insulation (instructor will provide)
- Drawing Pencils (instructor will provide)
- Artist Eraser (instructor will provide)
- Sketch Paper (instructor will Provide)